Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Knucklehead Update

So, since my last post, not much as happened.  But this is a case where no news is good news.

My ex was released from prison the next day, and transferred to San Bernardino.  Apparently he was given two different sets of discharge instructions from the prison, one showing San Bernardino and one showing San Diego.  Rather than , you know, asking which one was correct, he went for San Diego.  But, since it appears to have been at least partially the prison's fault, his parole is not being revoked.

Once he reported to San Bernardino, he was GPS'd, registered, the whole shebang.  He does not have permanent housing up there, so he is living in a motel, where about 10 other sex offenders live.  Just a heads up - DO NOT stay at the Budget Lodge in San Bernardino.  A prime example of sex offender laws working in unanticipated ways.  Is it making the community safer for a bunch of these guys to be living in a concentrated area like that?  My guess, probably not.

Since then, things have been quiet.  Per his parole officer, he has been following all his requirements without issue.  We have had no unexpected happenings.  Which should be what we'd expect, really.  If he is going to screw with us, he would probably wait until he was off GPS monitoring.  I think we have a lot more to worry about in 5 years when he is released from parole than we do now.

Off course we are still taking precautions, and will continue to do so, probably forever.  It doesn't feel like we have much choice.  I am not an advocate of that kind of paranoia -  my general attitude is that we worry too much about all the wrong things.  But you really never know with these guys.  We won't stop living our lives, but we will always be careful, always keep it in the back of our minds.  More likely than not, he won't bother us again, but if he does, we have to be prepared.